YOKOGAWA 横河 CP451-10
YOKOGAWA 横河 CP451-10
YOKOGAWA 横河 CP451-10
Rockwell AB Logix5550控制器用户手册(中文)
1756-L1, L1M1
本手册主要用于帮助用户利用L09ix 5550控制器来设计和操作一个系统。本手册的第一章提供了用户开始入门的步骤和信息。使用本手册的后续章节可以帮助用户:
PLC and other subsystems communicate with industrial “system through Modbus protocol interface. The system also supports iec870-5 over control coordination
The flash EPROM inside PS provides more than 220 function modules (control algorithm subroutines), in addition to the base specified in IEC 61131 3 standard
In addition to this content, many powerful and strictly tested function blocks from practical engineering applications are also expanded. Any complex control
All schemes can be realized by the combination of these function blocks.
The function blocks provided by the system mainly fall into the following categories:
Analog quantity processing
Digital quantity processing
Loop adjustment
Logical sequence control
Logical operation
Monitoring function
Acquisition function
Arithmetic operation
Tcp/ip protocol communication interface
Modbus protocol communication interface
1ec870-5 protocol communication interface (telecontrol)
4.2 field controller PS
Industrial ial “field controller PS is a special process control station, which is embedded with a fieldbus communication interface for users to use
Fieldbus technology provides a very flexible choice. Each PS is allowed to insert 4 fieldbus interface cards (card types can be different),
Each card is connected to a fieldbus to collect process data and diagnostic information from the bus. The interface card is easy to replace and plug and play
(plug & play) and can be plugged in and out with power.
The field controller PS has the following features: