Rockwell 罗克韦尔 CC-PCNT02 51454551-275
Rockwell 罗克韦尔 CC-PCNT02 51454551-275
Rockwell 罗克韦尔 CC-PCNT02 51454551-275
• 可编程序控制器
• 信息处理产品
• 输入/输出产品
• 电源,I/O机架,以及接线臂
• 通信产品
• 编程支持工具
• 操作员界面
• 自动识别及接口产品
• 视觉机器
• 应用产品
• 技术支持
• 电缆连接
mixed media) and network topology can be selected for the system bus.
Simple layout, due to the use of TCP/IP protocol, the system can also use the public telephone network (dial-up mode) or satellite to achieve ultra-long-distance communication.
Subsystems such as PLC communicate with the Industrial” system through the ModBus protocol interface. The system also supports IEC870-5 over-control protocol.
The Flash EPROM inside the PS provides more than 220 functional modules (control algorithm subroutines), in addition to the basic ones specified in the IEC 61131 3 standard
In addition to this content, many powerful and rigorously tested function blocks from actual engineering applications have been expanded. any complex control
The scheme can be realized by the combination of these function blocks.
The function blocks provided by the system mainly include the following categories:
Analog processing
digital processing
loop regulation
Logical sequence control
logic operation
Monitoring function
Collection function.
arithmetic operations
TCP/IP protocol communication interface
Modbus protocol communication interface
1EC870-5 protocol communication interface (Telecontrol)
4.2 Field Controller PS
Industrial” field