PFSK151 3BSE018876R1 ABB
PFSK151 3BSE018876R1 ABB
PFSK151 3BSE018876R1 ABB
在受法规监管的行业中,许多公司面临着许多的挑战,例如经济紧缩、不断变化的法规要求以及组合压力增加。FactoryTalk Pharma Suite通过提供降低制造风险和提高运营绩效的方法,有助于解决这些问题。这个符合GxP要求的生产管理应用套件是专门针对制药和生物技术公司的需求而定制的,为从研发、临床到商业生产提供了一个统一的平台。
FactoryTalk Pharma Suite是基于罗壳韦尔自动化的FactoryTalk平台而开发的,它能够与其它FactoryTalk产品和自动化层进行无缝集成。该套件针对企业系统采用了非常可靠、稳定和可扩展的最新技术。FactoryTalk Pharma Suite的模块化方法有助于客户从小的功能模块入手并逐步进行扩展。
FactoryTalk Pharma Suite易于安装、配置和维护,它既可以作为独立的系统使用,也可以集成到ERP系统使用。它的生产管理应用程序提供物料、设备和人员跟踪和追溯功能,是无纸化生产所必需的。该套件具有配方管理、订单管理、WIP管理、库存管理、设备管理和异常管理等功能。FactoryTalk Pharma Suite Dispense提供预定义的称重工作流界面,有助于客户精简称重操作,改善质量并提供对车间范围内的生产和库存的可视性。
process station. A redundant process station contains 2 rack-mounted CPUs.
This term is used to describe a single, non-redundant process station.
In the investment of modern automation system, due to the hardware equipment department
It only takes up less cost in the whole system, then write engineering applications
The cost of software becomes increasingly important. Generally speaking, a self
The engineering application software cost of the automation project accounts for about the entire project.
About 50%, it is not difficult to see that the migration of cost structure creates a lot of innovation for users.
Create an opportunity to optimize project investment, therefore, it is necessary to start from engineering programming
Think about lowering costs in the first place!
This is what we developed the Freelance 800F system for:
Keeping hardware prices consistent with those of programmable logic controllers
In this way, cost efficiency can be improved by reducing user engineering costs.
How the Freelance 800F process control system helps users reduce
Low engineering cost?
●By using a complete engineering tool (Control Builder
F) to configure the entire control system, including automation functions
function, operator interface display and logging, and configuration of the fieldbus.
equipment (PROFIBUS, FOUNDATION Fieldbus,
HART, etc.) and device parameter settings.
● Automatic generation of global data between the process control station and the operator station
According to