Micro800控制器设计用于经济型单机控制。根据基座中内置 I/O 点数的不同,这些经济的小型 PLC 具有不同的配置,其拥有的一系列特性足以满足不同需求。Micro800 系列产品能够共用编程环境、附件和功能性插件,机器制造商可对控制器进行个性化设置,使其拥有特定功能。
Micro810相当于一个带高电流继电器输出的智能型继电器,同时兼具微型 PLC 的编程功能。Micro810 控制器提供 12 点配置。
Micro820控制器专用于小型单机及远程自动化项目。其搭载了嵌入式以太网端口、串行端口以及用于数据记录和配方管理的 microSD插槽。该系列控制器采用 20 点配置,可容纳多达两个功能性插件模块。同时支持 Micro800 远程 LCD (2080-REMLCD) 模块,可轻松地配置 IP 地址等设置,并可用作简易的 IP65 文本显示器。
Micro830控制器设计用于单机控制应用。其具备灵活的通信和 I/O功能,可搭载多达五个功能性插件,并提供 10 点、16 点、24 点或48 点配置。
Micro850可扩展控制器设计用于需要更多数字量和模拟量 I/O 或更高性能模拟量 I/O 的应用。其支持多达四个扩展 I/O。凭借嵌入式10/100 Base-T 以太网端口, Micro850 控制器能够包含额外的通信连接选件。
多台 Micro830 和 Micro850 控制器可通过嵌入式脉冲序列输出 (PTO)支持基本的定位功能。此类控制器还允许您配置多达 6 个高速计数器(HSC),可选择的 HSC 工作模式多达 9 种。除 2080-LCxx-xxAWB 外,所有 Micro830 和 Micro850 系列产品均支持 HSC。只有目录号以BB或VB 结尾的Micro830 和Micro850 系列产品才支持PTO。
maintenance faster, more economical and more efficient.
Industrial” is a world-leading all-round integrated open control system launched by ABB Group Automation Headquarters.
It integrates the advantages of traditional DCS and PLC in one body and supports a variety of international field bus standards. It has both the complex analog loop regulation capability of DCS
Power-friendly human-machine interface (HMI) and convenient engineering software, and at the same time have high-speed logic and sequence control equivalent to high-end PLC indicators.
control performance. The system can be connected to both conventional I/0 and various field bus devices such as Profibus, FF, CAN, and Modbus. system tool
It has a high degree of flexibility and excellent scalability, whether it is the control of small production units, or the control of ultra-large-scale whole plants – integrated control, even
The Industrial” system can handle the application of field equipment maintenance management and cross-plant production management control with ease.
An important member of the Industrial” family, the AC800F system fully embodies the Industrial” (Industrial Information) system pioneered and led by ABB in technology.