Bulletin 150-SMC-50 智能电机控制器
SMC-50 智能电机控制器可为标准三相鼠笼式感应电机或星角(六引线) 电机
提供由微处理器控制的固态(SCR,无旁路) 启动。?
·90…520 A范围
·额定电压:200…690 V AC
·记录最近的100 个事件(含时间戳)
SMC-50 智能电机控制器是一种基于微处理器的软启动器,用于实现最佳的电机启停效率。SMC-50 采用全固态设计,使用六个SCR (每相两个),在电机启动、运行和停止期间,它们始终参与(无内部旁路) 改变导电周期和控制电机电压(转矩)。启动器有许多高级电力监视和电机/启动器保护特性,旨在提高整体可靠性。产品有三个连接端口(端口7、8 和9),可容纳附加I/O、网络通信或参数配置模块(最多三个模块),实现了可扩展性。通过以下三种方式,还可继续扩展控制器的配置能力:
(1) 参数配置模块,使用DIP 开关和选择开关实现有限的配置能力;
(2) 多语言20-HIM-A6 控制器或带液晶显示器的面板安装式键盘,提供更多高级配置特性;
(3) 基于PC 和网络的软件(例如,DriveExplorer),具有最佳配置功能。SMC-50 的前面板上有一个多色LED 状态指示灯,能够提供诊断和控制器状态信息,还有一个PUSH-TO-RESET/HOLD-TO-TEST (按下复位/按住测试) 按钮,可用于手动复位实际故障状态,以及启动整定循环或故障测试。
Basic characteristics:
1ee802.3 Ethernet standard
Ei801f provides 10base2 thin cable communication interface
Ei802f provides 10BASE5 thick cable connection (through AUI interface)
Ei803f provides 10Base-T twisted pair communication interface
32-bit data bus, 100 mb/s
DMA (direct memory access) mode main memory ram, corresponding CPU operating load <4%
Optional ram backup battery
Fieldbus interface replacement card fi830f/fi820f/fi810f
Fieldbus interface cards are divided into several types according to different protocol standards. Each interface card provides – a fieldbus interface (PROFIBUS,
Can, FF, MODBUS, etc.). The configuration and parameter settings of the interface card itself and the field instrument (or remote i1/0) on the connected fieldbus are still
It is designed by the industrial “unified tool control bui lder without additional software. The interface card can be configured redundantly (separated between each other
Redundant basic unit pm802f) and can be plugged in and out and replaced online.
Fi830f: PROFIBUS DP interface card, as the master station, can connect 126 PROFIBUS DP slave stations, and the communication rate can reach 12mbd
One PS can plug in 4 fieldbus interfaces, connect 496 fieldbus devices, and one city (subsystem) of industrial “system can
Connect 4960 fieldbus devices (10000