IC698CPE010 GE
IC698CPE010 GE
IC698CPE010 GE
· PLC与PAC系统的区别?
·GE Fanuc自动化率先推出的PACSystems,现在,一种叫做可编程自动化控制器(PAC)的新型控制系统,在灵活性、开放性和鏊体性能上有了显著的提高。PAC使得用户系统在性能上有了一个越升而不用重新设计。PAC最明显的特征是一个位于运行系统上面的轻便控制引擎,它确保用户首先可以最大化他们的应用收益,其次还可以充分利用他们的自动化平台。
为满足整个工业范围内PAC平台的需要,GE Fanuc的革命性新产品PACSystems系列是一个能够提供性能越升但却不会带来移植和转换负担的控制器环境。PACSystems具有一个单控制引擎和通用的编程环境,同时也体现了通过多重化硬件平台发布可选控制方案真正集成的灵活性
Process station:
This term is used to describe AC800F controllers (field controllers) and rack-mounted controllers. A process station can be designed to be redundant
configuration and non-redundant configuration.
AC800F :
This term is used to describe the AC800F Field Controller type of process station. A redundant process station consists of 2
AC800F controller.
Rack mounted process station:
This term is used to describe a rack-mounted type of process station. A redundant process station contains 2 rack-mounted CPUs.
This term is used to describe a single, non-redundant process station.
In the investment of modern automation system, due to the hardware equipment department
It only takes up less cost in the whole system, then write engineering applications
The cost of software becomes increasingly important. Generally speaking, a self
The engineering application software cost of the automation project accounts for about the entire project.
About 50%, it is not difficult to see that the migration of cost structure creates a lot of innovation for users.
Create an opportunity to optimize project investment, therefore, it is necessary to start from engineering programming
Think about lowering costs in the first place!
This is what we developed the Freelance 800F system for:
Keeping hardware prices consistent with those of programmable logic controllers
In this way, cost efficiency can be improved by reducing user engineering costs.
How the Freelance 800F process control system