HONEYWELL 05701-A-0301
HONEYWELL 05701-A-0301
HONEYWELL 05701-A-0301
GE Fanuc PACSystems 热备份冗余CPU用户指南(中文)是PAC 系统RX7i 的热备冗余CPU 的硬件,配置,编程和操作参考。
冗余CPU 使用于重要环境和在系统单个元件发生错误时继续操作。冗余系统使用俩个CPU,其中一个激活的单元控制进程,备份单元与激活单元同步并且在必要时接过程序控制权。当俩个单元处于运行状态时俩个单元同步,备份单元通过一个冗余通讯模块从激活单元接收到最新的状态和同步信息,并且俩个单元都同步的运行各自的逻辑程序。
每个单元必须有一个冗余CPU(IC698CRE020)和一个或俩个冗余通讯模块(IC698RMX016)。冗余通讯通过一对或俩对RMX 单元来提供通讯路径。
当检测到激活单元的故障时,控制自动切换到备用单元。可以通过激活RMX 模块上的转换开关开始控制转换或者通过应用程序激活一个切换服务请求。当用户定义的控制切换发生了,CPU 转换角色,激活单元变成备份单元,备份单元变成激活单元。
系统通过控制数据的交换来保持同步,其中的数据包括已定义机器的状态和保持CPU 同步操作必须的所有内部数据。每个扫描周期从激活单元到备份单元同步俩次数据。CPU 到CPU 的传输经过数据完整性校验。
ModBus protocol interface. The system also supports IEC870-5 over-control protocol.
The Flash EPROM inside the PS provides more than 220 functional modules (control algorithm subroutines), in addition to the basic ones specified in the IEC 61131 3 standard
In addition to this content, many powerful and rigorously tested function blocks from actual engineering applications have been expanded. any complex control
The scheme can be realized by the combination of these function blocks.
The function blocks provided by the system mainly include the following categories:
Analog processing
digital processing
loop regulation
Logical sequence control
logic operation
Monitoring function
Collection function.
arithmetic operations
TCP/IP protocol communication interface
Modbus protocol communication interface
1EC870-5 protocol communication interface (Telecontrol)
4.2 Field Controller PS
Industrial” field controller PS is a special process control station, which is embedded with field bus communication interface for users to use
Fieldbus technology offers very flexible options. Each PS allows to insert 4 fieldbus interface cards (the card type can be different),
Each card is connected to 1 field bus to collect process