虽然小尺寸的 VersaMax® Nano 和Micro PLC 可以节约宝贵的面板空间,但是它们在功能上也很强大。对于注重成本并且需要快速处理器速度的高容量应用,可选择手掌大小的 VersaMax Nano 作为 PLC。当您需要其他功能时,模块 VersaMax Micro可提供功能和灵活性,满足您的应用需求。这两个紧凑型 PLC 都简单易用且具有长期的可靠性,从而进一步降低您的生命周期成本。 QuickPanel Control 可以提供各种显示尺寸。它将控制和可视化融入一个平台,以实现最大的生产效率和成本效率。通过将畅销的触摸屏 QuickPanel 产品系列与备受盛誉的 Proficy™ Machine Editon 软件相融合,QuickPanel Control 在一个稳定的硬件平台上提供灵活的升级性能。Proficy Logic Developer – PC 软件的直观环境有助于减少应用开发时间,与系列化的以太网和现场总线接口相连接简单易行。XMT868液体流量变送器将最先进的流量测量能力与价格低廉的变送器机型结合在一起,大小只有8.2in(20.1 cm)长,6.6in(16.8cm)宽,重量仅为10lb(4.5kg),可以直接安装在测量点上。这款全数字化的XMT868无可动部件,可提供长期无漂移测量。仪表上的微处理器提供独一无二的数字化信号编码和互相关检测程序,可随液体特性的变化自动调节参数,并可动态配置操作软件以简化编程。
n technology
Information technology) a new trend.
The system is divided into two levels: operation management level and process control level. At the operation management level, not only the traditional control system monitoring operation function is realized
Can (operate and display, print, trend display and alarm), and also complete system hardware diagnosis and data exchange between different systems
Yes. The process control level realizes various loop adjustments including complex control (various PID, ratio, Simith, etc.) and high-speed logic control
Control, sequence control and batch intermittent control functions.
The internal communication of the process control station (between the controller and various intelligent devices such as i/0 or field instruments) adopts the international standard field general
Line. The field controller supports various field buses such as PROFIBUS, which is the most widely used open field bus in the world
Line international standard, divided into FMS, DP and PA, DP communication rate can be as high as 12MB. Can (din/is011898