GE IC698CPE030
GE IC698CPE030
GE IC698CPE030
ABB凭借百年的工业制造经验,提供了一个简单、可靠的功率控制途径:用于速度及转矩控制的ACS 1000系列变频器,它适用于功率从315至5000kW,电压为2.3、3.3、4.0与4.16kV的感应电机。可提供空冷或水冷型。
空冷型变频器可配备单独的输入变压器(ACS 1000),或选择完全集成的变频器(ACS 1000i),其包括输入变压器以及可选的输入接触器。
– 适用于现有电机– 的更新改造项目,且适合于绝大多数的中压应用
– 输出正弦滤波器。可以实现纯正弦波电压及电流输出,适用于标准电机,且无需降容,无电压应力且在电机绝缘上无共模电压存在
– 无熔断器设计。用以实现高可靠性、抗老化且免维护的电路保护
– DTC控制平台。可以实现无以伦比的高转矩与速度控制性能
– 集成或独立式输入变压器。具有最高的系统设计灵活性
coaxial cable.
Freelance OPC server for connecting to higher-level operators
station (800xA) or other OPC client. Freelance Control System
Real-time process values ??and alarms in the system can be accessed via OPC.
We also provide a C language programming interface to embed external
In Windows operating system applications, it is suitable for implementing user
Communicate with non-standard OPC, ie DMS-API software package.
Project database
All configured signals, variables and process points are in Freelance
800F system’s public database for management.
● List of all variables (input, output, internal variables)
● Process point list (function block)
Because the database is system-wide. The data only needs to enter a
times, to avoid possible errors caused by multiple configurations.
Project database files can be easily archived or backed up.
When programmed by the user, a list of variables and labels is automatically created.
Moreover, both variables and process points can be opened and closed directly in FBD or IL
List other features include:
Project-wide modification of names, comments, data or module types
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