GE IC698CPE030\
GE IC698CPE030
GE IC698CPE030
火电厂厂级监控信息系统(SIS:Supervisory Information System)是集发电实时生产过程检测、优化控制、实时生产过程管理为一体,具有厂级实时生产过程监控、厂级能量统计、厂级负荷优化调度、厂级及机组性能计算、经济指标分析及诊断、优化运行操作、设备寿命管理、主机和辅机故障诊断等功能。其作用是提高机组运行的安全性和经济性,提供在线分析指导,并为管理决策服务。SIS 系统不但能提升发电生产的安全性和经济性,它还对电厂DCS 等自动化系统的整合、管理信息系统的联结起到桥梁作用,是实现数字化电厂中的关键环节。
火电厂SIS项目是以实时/ 历史数据库为核心的厂级监控信息系统。通过高速以太网将各个生产过程控制系统的信息和实时数据根据系统的要求采集到SIS的实时/ 历史数据库中,SIS 的实时数据服务器负责收集、整理各种直接和间接的实时历史数据,同时通过应用层网络供SIS 子系统调用数据,并允许各子系统处理后将数据存入实时/ 历史数据库。
GE Fanuc 提供的基于Proficy Historian 实时历史数据库平台的SIS 系统解决方案,以其卓越的性能、易用的组态、安全可靠的系统架构、开放式的互连性为实现 SIS 系统的应用搭建了优异的平台。
mixed media) and network topology can be selected for the system bus.
Simple layout, due to the use of TCP/IP protocol, the system can also use the public telephone network (dial-up mode) or satellite to achieve ultra-long-distance communication.
Subsystems such as PLC communicate with the Industrial” system through the ModBus protocol interface. The system also supports IEC870-5 over-control protocol.
The Flash EPROM inside the PS provides more than 220 functional modules (control algorithm subroutines), in addition to the basic ones specified in the IEC 61131 3 standard
In addition to this content, many powerful and rigorously tested function blocks from actual engineering applications have been expanded. any complex control
The scheme can be realized by the combination of these function blocks.
The function blocks provided by the system mainly include the following categories:
Analog processing
digital processing
loop regulation
Logical sequence control
logic operation
Monitoring function
Collection function.
arithmetic operations
TCP/IP protocol communication interface
Modbus protocol communication interface
1EC870-5 protocol communication interface (Telecontrol)
4.2 Field Controller PS
Industrial” field controller PS is a special process control station, which is embedded with field bus communication interface for users to use
Fieldbus technology offers very flexible options. Each PS allows to insert 4 fieldbus interface cards (the card type can be different),
Each card is connected to 1 field bus to collect process data and diagnostic information from the bus, the interface car