ELAU MAX-4伺服控制器
ELAU MAX-4伺服控制器
ELAU MAX-4伺服控制器
本安全功能应用说明书介绍了如何对 Compact GuardLogix®控制器和POINT Guard I/O模块进行接线、配置和编程,从而将其连接到 PowerFlex™ 750 安全速度监视选件(-S1) 模块,执行安全速度功能。必须要注意的是,安全速度模块才是执行本操作说明书中所述的零速度、安全限速和安全方向等安全功能的真正模块。只有在执行零速度和安全限速 (SLS) 安全功能时才需要用到 GuardLogix 安全控制器。例如,转动 SLS钥匙开关时,连接到 PowerFlex 755 SLS 输入的 GuardLogix 输出将通电,请求安全限速。注意,安全方向在安全速度模块中进行配置,且始终受到监视。GuardLogix 控制器与安全方向安全功能之间没有任何联系。
安全功能的执行单元为安全速度模块的嵌入式安全断开扭矩功能 (STO) 通道。如果PowerFlex 755 STO 输入断电,则由 PowerFlex 755 变频器控制的电机将滑行停止。
本例中使用 Compact GuardLogix 控制器,但对任何 GuardLogix 控制器都适用。
本例中假定使用两个不同的增量式编码器;一个是 845H,一个是 845T,它们连接到PowerFlex 750 通用反馈选件模块,由安全速度模块进行监控。使用的控制器默认平均无危险故障时间 (MTTFd) 可达 10 年 (根据 ISO-13849)。使用 DC Measures 的SISTEMA 库,可达到 99% 的诊断覆盖率。DC 基于冗余 (两个编码器)、多样性 (两种编码器类型)、诊断 (编码器信号交叉监控) 和各编码器独立的电源。
Process station:
This term is used to describe AC800F controllers (field controllers) and rack-mounted controllers. A process station can be designed to be redundant
configuration and non-redundant configuration.
AC800F :
This term is used to describe the AC800F Field Controller type of process station. A redundant process station consists of 2
AC800F controller.
Rack mounted process station:
This term is used to describe a rack-mounted type of process station. A redundant process station contains 2 rack-mounted CPUs.
This term is used to describe a single, non-redundant process station.
In the investment of modern automation system, due to the hardware equipment department
It only takes up less cost in the whole system, then write engineering applications
The cost of software becomes increasingly important. Generally speaking, a self
The engineering application software cost of the automation project accounts for about the entire project.
About 50%, it is not difficult to see that the migration of cost structure creates a lot of innovation for users.
Create an opportunity to optimize project investment, therefore, it is necessary to start from engineering programming
Think about lowering costs in the first place!
This is what we developed the Freelance 800F system for:
Keeping hardware prices consistent with those of programmable logic controllers