介绍ACS 600变频器的制动斩波器进行安装,调试,服务。
与ACS 600变频器配套的标准斩波器和电阻器的额定功率等于ACS 600制动时的短时过载容量。对于一般应用的ACS 600,其短时过载容量是额定输出功率(电流)的110%。对于重载应用,其短时过载容量是额定输出功率(电流)的150%。
制动斩波器是ACS 600变频器的一种可选装置。只要中间回路中的电压超过最大电压极限,斩波器就把制动电阻器与变频器的中间回路接通。
device via fieldbus
system communication
Communication between operator level and process control level using TCP/IP
Protocol system bus (based on Ethernet), you can choose different
transmission medium such as AUI, twisted pair, fiber optic or coaxial cable.
Freelance OPC server for connecting to higher-level operators
station (800xA) or other OPC client. Freelance Control System
Real-time process values ??and alarms in the system can be accessed via OPC.
We also provide a C language programming interface to embed external
In Windows operating system applications, it is suitable for implementing user
Communicate with non-standard OPC, ie DMS-API software package.
Project database
All configured signals, variables and process points are in Freelance
800F system’s public database for management.
● List of all variables (input, output, internal variables)
● Process point list (function block)
Because the database is system-wide. The data only needs to enter a
times, to avoid possible errors caused by multiple configurations.
Project database files can be easily archived or backed up.
When programmed by the user, a list of variables and labels is automatically created.
Moreover, both