BENTLY NEVADA 本特利 350042M 1
BENTLY NEVADA 本特利 350042M 1
BENTLY NEVADA 本特利 350042M 1
适用于具有以下选件的 ACS880 多传动:防止误启动(选件 +Q957)。
防止误启动 (POUS) 功能用于禁用变频器(逆变器)输出功率半导体的控制电压。这样可防止变频器生成电机旋转所需的力矩。POUS 功能会激活变频器的安全力矩关断 (STO) 功能。通过使用此功能,可以在不关闭和断开变频器的情况下,对机器的非电气部件执行短时间操作(如清洁)和/ 或和维护工作。
用户可使用控制台上安装的开关激活防止误启动功能。打开开关后(处于关闭位置),将激活 POUS 功能,且 POUS 指示灯亮起。
satellite to achieve ultra-long-distance communication.
Subsystems such as PLC communicate with the Industrial” system through the ModBus protocol interface. The system also supports IEC870-5 over-control protocol.
The Flash EPROM inside the PS provides more than 220 functional modules (control algorithm subroutines), in addition to the basic ones specified in the IEC 61131 3 standard
In addition to this content, many powerful and rigorously tested function blocks from actual engineering applications have been expanded. any complex control
The scheme can be realized by the combination of these function blocks.
The function blocks provided by the system mainly include the following categories:
Analog processing
digital processing
loop regulation
Logical sequence control
logic operation
Monitoring function
Collection function.
arithmetic operations
TCP/IP protocol communication interface
Modbus protocol communication interface
1EC870-5 protocol communication interface (Telecontrol)
4.2 Field Controller PS
Industrial” field controller PS is a special process control station, which is embedded with field bus communication interface for users to use
Fieldbus technology offers very flexible options. Each PS allows to insert 4 fieldbus interface cards (the card type can be