ABB AO845A 3BSE045584R1
The ABB AO845A 3BSE045584R1 module is an analog output module produced by ABB and belongs to the ABB S800 I/O system. It is mainly used to convert digital signals to analog signals to control analog devices, such as valves, motors, etc.
Product description
The AO845A module has 8 unipolar analog output channels and can be configured with different output ranges as required. It has a modular design, is installed in the ABB S800 I/O system, and communicates with the controller via the system bus. The module has the characteristics of high precision, high reliability and easy configuration.
Product parameters and specifications (some parameters, please refer to the detailed parameters of the product data manual)
Model: AO845A
Order number: 3BSE045584R1
Number of channels: 8
Output type: unipolar analog output
Output range: configurable (e.g., 0-10V, 4-20mA)
Resolution: High