ABB XV9738a HEIE450617R
ABB XV9738a HEIE450617R
ABB XV9738a HEIE450617R
ACQ580水和污水处理行业专用变频器是 ABB 全能型传动产品家族的成员。ACQ580 能在其生命周期的各个环节确保水和污水处理行业中水泵系统的有效运行。ACQ580变频器易于调试和使用。借助内置泵类应用控制功能,ACQ580可保持水泵系统以更佳方式运行,从而降低能耗支出。ACQ580广泛用于水和污水处理行业中,如处理厂、泵站、海水淡化厂、工业废水设施和灌溉。ACQ580能配合给水泵、输送泵、计量泵、污泥泵、增压泵、潜水泵及压缩机、鼓风机、沉降式离心机、搅拌机和风机等设备使用。
·干泵保护 ABB
maintenance management and cross plant production management control applications
As an important member of industrial “family, AC800F system fully embodies industrial” initiated and led by ABB in technology
Information technology) a new trend.
The system is divided into two levels: operation management level and process control level. At the operation management level, not only the traditional control system monitoring operation function is realized
Can (operate and display, print, trend display and alarm), and also complete system hardware diagnosis and data exchange between different systems
Yes. The process control level realizes various loop adjustments including complex control (various PID, ratio, Simith, etc.) and high-speed logic control
Control, sequence control and batch intermittent control functions.
The internal communication of the process control station (between the controller and various intelligent devices such as i/0 or field instruments) adopts the international standard field general
Line. The field controller supports various field buses such as PROFIBUS, which is the most widely used open field bus in the world
Line international standard, divided into FMS, DP and PA, DP communication rate can be as high as 12MB. Can (din/is011898 standard) bus
The biggest feature is its super robustness and data