ABB PFSK152 3BSE018877R1
ABB PFSK152 3BSE018877R1
ABB PFSK152 3BSE018877R1
EZ600-DS04文本显示器是可编程控制器用的通用操作显示面板。通过它可以对PLC 内部的继电器和数据寄存器进行监视、设定和报警显示,同时也支持和单片机的通讯。
EZ600-DS04 通讯口可用来下载画面和系统文件,也可用作和PLC 通讯。目前EZ600-DS04文本显示器支持的PLC 类型有爱默生EC10 系列、爱默生EC20 系列、爱默生EC20H 系列、爱默生ETC 系列、三菱FX 系列、西门子S7-200 系列等。 Modbus 协议是应用于控制器上的一种通用语言。通过此协议,控制器相互之间、控制器经由网络和其它设备之间可以通信。它已经成为一通用工业标准。本规范主要描述了modbus 协议在GCM 中的实现。通讯采用应答方式,由主机发起请求,从机执行请求并且应答。GCM 作为从机通过地址设置加以区分, GCM 系列PLC 自己组网时,最多允许30个从站,并且从机可设置地址范围为1~31。GCM 系列PLC 作为主站与其他设备(做从站)组网,没有地址范围限制,但也最多允许30 个从站。GCM 系列PLC 支持广播方式,广播地址为00。
ariety of international field bus standards. It has both the complex analog loop regulation capability of DCS
Power-friendly human-machine interface (HMI) and convenient engineering software, and at the same time have high-speed logic and sequence control equivalent to high-end PLC indicators.
control performance. The system can be connected to both conventional I/0 and various field bus devices such as Profibus, FF, CAN, and Modbus. system tool
It has a high degree of flexibility and excellent scalability, whether it is the control of small production units, or the control of ultra-large-scale whole plants – integrated control, even
The Industrial” system can handle the application of field equipment maintenance management and cross-plant production management control with ease.
An important member of the Industrial” family, the AC800F system fully embodies the Industrial” (Industrial Information) system pioneered and led by ABB in technology.
information technology) new trends.
The system is divided into two levels: operation management level and process control level. At the operation management level, not only the traditional control system monitoring operation function is realized
function (operation and display, printing, trend display and alarm), and also complete system hardware diagnosis and data exchange between different