AB 1756-L84ES
AB 1756-L84ES
AB 1756-L84ES
Unidrive SP标准柜式变频器是适合90kW-675kW驱动的紧凑型柜式变频器,它继承了Unidrive SP模块化的特点,高性能、高可靠性、配置灵活。
● 交流输入 /输出单个驱动器
■ 适用于标准应用
● 预制标准化解决方案
■ 用户只需专注于使用
● 原厂出品
■ 全球标准机柜,交货时间短
● 高功率密度
■ 355kW机型宽度为400mm,675kW机型宽度为 800mm
● 单柜 400毫米宽,单独装运
■ 易于运输及安装
● 工业标准机柜
■ 易于安装在现有机柜中
● 功率模块格外轻小
■ 易于维护
● 可选进线机柜
■ 可轻松与用户的开关熔断器、MCCB、EMC滤波器完整结合,提供顶部或底部进线
● 可选系统机柜
■ 为特定控制设备提供空间
supports 1 to a maximum of 100 control stations and 100 operating stations. each control
The station can support several thousand I/0 points at most, and the scale of the whole system can be expanded. The hardware of the system control station is encapsulated in an all-metal shell, which can withstand the most
Harsh industrial environment. The device can be installed either in a cabinet or on a wall. System complies with all current EMC standards and is CE marked
Industrial” DCS system design purpose: the most economical engineering investment, the most powerful control function.
Five features of Industria1″ DCS system:
1. All-round integrated control system, integrating DCS & PLC & Field Bus;
2. Using RISC SuperScalar high-speed CPU, with super performance;
Three high reliability, strict industrial application practice, more than 1000 sets of application performance in China;
4. It has good openness, flexibility and scalability;
Fifth, the project is easy, the interface is friendly, and the maintenance is simple;
2. Industria1″ system communication
Industrial” system uses international standard industrial bus. Field controller suppor