A-B 2711P-T10C4D1
A-B 2711P-T10C4D1
A-B 2711P-T10C4D1
提供用户安装配线、参数设定、故障诊断和排除及日常维护相关注意事项 EV2100系列产品为风机泵专用的高转矩、高精度、宽调速的变频驱动器,满足了风机泵产品高性能化的需求。具有超出同类产品的防跳闸性能和适应恶劣电网、温度、湿度能力,极大提高产品可靠性。
电压范围:380-440V EV5000操作简单易于应用,具有出色矢量控制性能。可以实现无PG、有PG磁通矢量控制,内置多种客户化功能,如摆频功能,抱闸功能、负载平衡等,无PG模式下可以实现速度、转矩控制。简捷的参数设置大大提高客户使用效率,高性价比易于维护,磁通矢量控制具有较高的动态响应和稳态性能。在起重机械、纺织、机床与包装机械等诸多领域拥有卓越表现。
功率范围:2.2kW – 220kW
system bus (based on Ethernet), you can choose different
transmission medium such as AUI, twisted pair, fiber optic or coaxial cable.
Freelance OPC server for connecting to higher-level operators
station (800xA) or other OPC client. Freelance Control System
Real-time process values ??and alarms in the system can be accessed via OPC.
We also provide a C language programming interface to embed external
In Windows operating system applications, it is suitable for implementing user
Communicate with non-standard OPC, ie DMS-API software package.
Project database
All configured signals, variables and process points are in Freelance
800F system’s public database for management.
● List of all variables (input, output, internal variables)
● Process point list (function block)
Because the database is system-wide. The data only needs to enter a
times, to avoid possible errors caused by multiple configurations.
Project database files can be easily archived or backed up.
When programmed by the user, a list of variables and labels is automatically created.
Moreover, both variables and process points can be opened and closed directly in FBD or IL
List other features include: