A-B 1769-OF8C
A-B 1769-OF8C
A-B 1769-OF8C
Digitax ST 系列伺服驱动器具有四个智能化水平:
Digitax ST Base 驱动器可在速度或转矩模式下运行,可与集中运动控制器配合使用或用作独立的驱动器。
Digitax ST Indexer 驱动器可执行点对点运动,包括相对、绝对、旋转加、旋转减、配准和返回运动。 Digitax ST Indexer 可用作一个独立的系统控制器。 此外, Digitax ST Indexer 也可以构成分布式系统的一部分,在该系统中,命令通过现场总线或开关量输入/ 输出信号传送。
Digitax ST Plus 驱动器具有 Digitax ST Indexer 驱动器的所有功能,此外,它还能作为单轴进行复杂运动或与参考轴同步。 这可通过虚拟主参考提供数字锁和电子凸轮。
Digitax ST EZMotion 驱动器是 Motion Made Easy 系列伺服驱动器的一部分,让用户可以创建程序以对同一环境下的运动、I/O 控制和其它机器操作进行排序。 Digitax ST EZMotion 也支持对象位置捕获、多重配置求和、排列、程序多重任务处理等高级功能。
what we developed the Freelance 800F system for:
Keeping hardware prices consistent with those of programmable logic controllers
In this way, cost efficiency can be improved by reducing user engineering costs.
How the Freelance 800F process control system helps users reduce
Low engineering cost?
●By using a complete engineering tool (Control Builder
F) to configure the entire control system, including automation functions
function, operator interface display and logging, and configuration of the fieldbus.
equipment (PROFIBUS, FOUNDATION Fieldbus,
HART, etc.) and device parameter settings.
● Automatic generation of global data between the process control station and the operator station
According to communication.
For field devices, process control stations and operator stations, a unified global database is used for the entire control system, thereby reducing
cost and time investment in establishing data communication and interactive access.
And ensure the consistency of data throughout the system.
●Provide system-wide unified inspection of user applications, overriding
from process control stations, operator stations to intelligent field devices, including
Including the integrity and consistency check of the user program.
●The programming language strictly complies with the international standard of IEC61131-3, and has
There are high-