5SHX0660F0002 ABB
5SHX0660F0002 ABB
5SHX0660F0002 ABB
EV6000 采用先进的控制策略实现了真正意义上的高精度磁通矢量转矩控制,无论是有PG 运行还是无PG 运行,均达到业界领先的控制水准。同步电机驱动与异步电机驱动的一体化,转矩控制、速度控制、位置控制的一体化,使得EV6000 成为业界少有的具有优异控制性能的一体化驱动器,满足客户应用的高性能化需求。同时EV6000 具有超出同类产品的防跳闸性能和适应恶劣电网、温度、湿度和粉尘能力,极大提高产品可靠性。
EV6000 采用模块化设计,在满足客户通用需求的前提下,通过扩展设计可以灵活地满足客户个性化需求、行业性需求,顺应了变频器行业应用的趋势。内置PG 接口及强大的速度控制、转矩控制、伺服功能,实用的过程闭环控制、简易PLC、灵活的输入输出端子、脉冲频率给定、停电和停机参数存储选择、频率给定通道与运行命令通道捆绑、零频回差控制、主辅给定控制、摆频控制等,满足各种复杂高精度传动的要求,同时为设备制造业客户提供高集成度的一体化解决方案,对降低系统成本,提高系统可靠性具有极大价值。
EV6000 通过优化PWM 控制技术和电磁兼容性整体设计,满足用户对应用场所的低噪音、低电磁干扰的环保要求。 b
and run simultaneously in the same field controller PS.
Industrial “field control explosion (AC800F) consists of the following components:
Basic unit pm802f
Power supply sa801f/sd802f
Ethernet network card ei801f/ei802f/ei803f
Fieldbus interface card fi810f/fi820f/fi830f
Various accessories
The main components of the field controller PS are described below.
Basic unit pm802f
The basic unit pm802f is composed of a metal rack and a CPU motherboard. It periodically scans the data from the
The signals of the field bus sensors are processed according to the control application program configured by the user, and then the calculation results are passed
The fieldbus interface card returns the corresponding fieldbus actuator.
Two field controllers can realize controller 1:1 redundancy, and undisturbed switching between master and slave PS. Two on each PS
Ethernet network card, the second network card is used to connect the system network diginets), and the second network cards can be interconnected with each other to form a special
Redundant communication link (diginetr) to ensure information synchronization between master and slave PS. — However, the master PS fails, and the slave PS can quickly and