The Siemens 6SY7000-OAC37 module is an IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor) power module produced by Siemens. IGBT is a kind of power electronic device which combines the high current driving ability of bipolar transistor and the high input impedance of MOSFET, and is widely used in power electronic equipment such as frequency converter and servo driver.
Product name
English: Siemens 6SY7000-OAC37 IGBT module
English: Siemens 6SY7000-OAC37 IGBT Module
Product description
The 6SY7000-OAC37 module is a high-performance IGBT module from Siemens, featuring high current density, fast switching speed and high temperature resistance for high power and high-frequency power electronics applications. The module is usually integrated in a package, including IGBT chip, drive circuit and protection circuit, etc., which is convenient for users to use