WOODWARD 8237-1246
WOODWARD 8237-1246
WOODWARD 8237-1246
智能马达控制器是一种电动机起动新概念产品。它包括STC、SMC-2、SMC PLUS、和SMC Dialog Plus四个系列,额定电压1~600VAC,额定电流1-1000A,能满足工业应用领域的各种要求。
SMC Dialog Plus还能与RS232、RS485、Remote I/O、SCA Nport和设备网网络通信,可以方便地集成到现有的自动控制系统中。
·SMC Plus智能马达控制器
·SMC Dialog Plus智能马达控制器
network card ei801f/ei802f/ei803f
Fieldbus interface card fi810f/fi820f/fi830f
Various accessories
The main components of the field controller PS are described below.
Basic unit pm802f
The basic unit pm802f is composed of a metal rack and a CPU motherboard. It periodically scans the data from the
The signals of the field bus sensors are processed according to the control application program configured by the user, and then the calculation results are passed
The fieldbus interface card returns the corresponding fieldbus actuator.
Two field controllers can realize controller 1:1 redundancy, and undisturbed switching between master and slave PS. Two on each PS
Ethernet network card, the second network card is used to connect the system network diginets), and the second network cards can be interconnected with each other to form a special
Redundant communication link (diginetr) to ensure information synchronization between master and slave PS. — However, the master PS fails, and the slave PS can quickly and undisturbed connect the replacement worker
Make. All inputs and outputs also support redundant operation.
The data communication between the field process controller PS. operating station 0s and