C1CPU-4S-07 1
C1CPU-4S-07 1
C1CPU-4S-07 1
适用于 ACS880 多传动系统中的柜体式安装 ACS880-907 再生整流单元。
再生整流单元 (RRU) 是三相 IGBT 整流器,由并联的一个或多个模块 (nxR8i) 以及 L 滤波器构成。每个 R8i 模块由六个 IGBT 器件和以反并联的六个二极管构成。在电动模式下,电流从交流电源开始,经过二极管流入直流母线。在再生模式下,电流从直流母线开始,经过IGBT 流入供电电网。
再生整流单元的 IGBT 是切换运行的,与 6 脉冲二极管供电单元相比,在每次电网电压半周期期间仅导通一次。这样减少了开关损耗,使功率模块具有更高的功率额定值。由于 IGBT
Including the integrity and consistency check of the user program.
●The programming language strictly complies with the international standard of IEC61131-3, and has
There are high-performance graphics editing functions:
– Function Block Diagram (FBD)
-Ladder Diagram (LD)
– Instruction List (IL)
– Sequence Control Chart (SFC)
. Structured Text (ST)
●Extensive function block library, user-defined function blocks can also be added
Added to it, the macro library and graphic symbols can be customized for the user.
Blocks can create graphics and operator panels.
●Any standard can be integrated by means of GSD file import
PROFIBUS-DP and PA devices, and through user-defined pairing
dialog box to design the configuration window for these devices.
●Profibus field controller can be integrated through FDT/DTM technology
line equipment
system structure
The Freelance 800F process control system is divided into operator levels
and process control level. The operator level contains controls for operation and display.
Archiving and logging, trending and alarming functions. Controller executes open loop
and closed loop control function.
Freelance 800F DigiVis Operator Level
DigiVis operator stations use PC hardware, either standard commercial
Business PCs can also be industrial-grade PCs and run on Micro-
under soft Windows operating system. DigiVis supports dual-screen display operation
operating technology, that is to say, two operations can be performed using one PC
station and operate with a