ABB 1TGB302003R0003
ABB 1TGB302003R0003
ABB 1TGB302003R0003
EV3000 系列变频器是自主开发生产的高品质、多功能、低噪音的矢量控制通用变频器。通过对电机磁通电流和转矩电流的解耦控制,实现了转矩的快速响应和准确控制,能以很高的控制精度进行宽范围的调速运行。
具有电机参数自动调谐、零伺服控制、速度控制和转矩控制在线切换、转速跟踪、内置PLC、内置PID 控制器、编码器和给定及反馈信号断线监测切换、掉载保护、故障信号追忆、故障自动重起、内置制动单元、内置PG 接口、28 种故障监控、丰富的I/O 端子和多达十种的速度设定方式,能满足各类负荷对传动控制的需求。
键盘由LED 显示运行数据和故障代码,LCD 显示中/英文状态信息和操作说明,并能进行参数的上传拷贝和下传复写功能;功能强大的后台调试监控软件可通过内置的RS485 接口组网监控运行;通过TDS-PA01 总线适配器可以接入符合国际标准的PROFIBUS 现场总线控制系统。
紧凑的结构,可灵活安装;按照国际标准进行设计和测试,保证产品的可靠性; 丰富的选配件,供您进行多种配置选择。
Freelance 800F Process Control Stage
At the process control level, the Freelance 800F system can be controlled by
It consists of a number of process control stations connected to I/O units. you can choose this
Some process stations are in redundant mode (CPU redundancy, fieldbus module redundancy
redundant) or non-redundant mode. Modular pluggable input/output modules
Blocks are freely selected and used according to the type and number of system process signals.
AC800F controller connects remote I/O or field device via fieldbus
system communication
Communication between operator level and process control level using TCP/IP
Protocol system bus (based on Ethernet), you can choose different
transmission medium such as AUI, twisted pair, fiber optic or coaxial cable.
Freelance OPC server for connecting to higher-level operators
station (800xA) or other OPC client. Freelance Control System
Real-time process values ??and alarms in the system can be accessed via OPC.
We also provide a C language programming interface to embed external
In Windows operating system applications, it is suitable for implementing user
Communicate with non-standard OPC, ie DMS-API software package.
Project database
All configured signals, variables and process points are in Freelance
800F system’s public